If it's good enough for Granddad..

It's good enough for me

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

some new stuff going on+major lazer

So it's been a while, I know. I took a vacation and just could not find the time to write about new music. Other than that, I have no better excuse. Plus, the only thing I could think of to write about in the past couple of weeks was how much I wanted to slam the talentless trash that is ke$ha. However, since this is my own personal forum for promoting new music, I didn't think it was too productive or classy to devote a whole post to my low opinion of someone else's music. I have however been productive. I thought of a new name! I came to thinking about it and I decided that the inspiration for my blog name is so obscure and to the masses who are unaware of the presence of the film Empire Records, the term "save the empire" might seem a little arrogant. I also thought it most appropriate to reference music rather than film, and so I have borrowed a song title from one of my favorite bands, the Squirrel Nut Zippers. So behold: If It's Good Enough for Granddad, It's Good Enough For Me. I anticipate that to be the last title change I make to my blog, but my mind is subject to many changes in a short period so we'll see. I assure you all that you'll be the first to know.
Now, to business. I promise there is a real purpose to this post.
For those of you who haven't heard the genius of Major Lazer, I suggest you get a handle on that. The whole first album spawned of the collaboration between Switch and Diplo is a great showcase of Jamaican style dancehall dub. And to think, they're two white guys. Although both DJs involved in the project are extremely talented, I'll focus my attention to Diplo's mixtape featuring Santigold [simply because i have heard more of Diplo's work that Switch's]. the whole album is made up of twenty-something tracks, but they each flow together seamlessly. He uses samples from his own projects that he has produced as well as classic songs by Aretha Franklin and the B-52s. Basically, he knows what he's doing. So go check it out! I promise it'll be worth it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grand Hallway

So it's been raining quite a bit in LA and I thought a little folk rock was appropriate for keeping my restlessness at bay. Presenting Grand Hallway from Seattle, WA. With the sounds of violins, banjo, and accordion thrown into the usual mix, they're folk band+film score orchestra drama and it all sounds perfect accompanied by the rain on my window. Not to mention the vocals are awesome. They'll be in town on no other day than MY BIRTHDAY at the Silverlake Lounge. It's a ways off, but go on and clear your calendars. it's gonna be a party.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The line-up has finally been released and I'm way excited. The festival this year will take place April 16-18 and will include Muse, Julian Casablancas of The Strokes, Little Dragon, She & Him, Major Lazer, and MGMT among many, many others. The full line-up can be seen here. Time to save up I think. See you there!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Heavy Trash

As promised, here's a new post comin' atcha. for your listening pleasure, here's Heavy Trash based out of New York City. They're currently touring in Europe, but i for one am waiting with baited breath for them to come back stateside. It's definitely worth taking five minutes out of your day to take a listen. go on, i dare you.

RIP Bobby Charles

Another midnight post before I finally go to bed because it is important. American songwriter Bobby Charles passed away on Thursday, January 14 at the age of 71. Responsible for writing Bill Haley and the Comets' 'See You Later, Alligator' as well as appearing with The Band in their iconic Last Waltz, the world has lost a great talent. At least by the '50s rock 'n' roll junkies of the world like me, he will be sorely missed.

oh man...

it has been a crazy three months. without getting into specifics, just believe me when i say i'm glad to FINALLY have some down time. Either way, to those of you who have been demanding more blog posts [Jacob], I'm finally back. or at least as of tomorrow i'll officially be back. until then, here's some awesome ukulele rock to bop to. Behold, Galapaghost [awesome band name, I know]. unfortunately, all their shows are in their home state of Pennsylvania but let's see if we can make enough noise to get them to the west coast. I wouldn't be disappointed.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Go West Young Man

Awesome band from LA, Go West Young Man. They've been buzzing for a while, for good reason. Only disappointment is they have no upcoming shows in the area, according to their myspace. Hype it up people, get them here!